The coastal city of Boston, historically famous for its “Tea party”, gives in many ways a European feel. Here are two of the world’s most recognised universities; Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The entire centre of Boston is closed to car traffic, and a walk in the pedestrian shopping streets, or a walk along the so-called Freedom Trail with its fascinating history, is considered a “must”. Our school is very central and close to the university.

Training Course

  • Standard course 20 teaching hours per week

  • Intensive course 30 teaching hours per week

  • Individual hours 2 – 40 lessons per week

  • Senior course (40 years and older) 20 lessons per week

  • Cambridge exam course

  • IELTS and TOEFL preparation course

  • Course for Business

  • Study year / semester in Boston

  • English for teachers (suitable for those who teach English as a foreign language)

Social Activities

  • Excursions to places like New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Hampton Beach, etc.

  • Other activities such as bowling, museum visits, baseball matches, Cirque du Soleil, movie nights and the like.


  • Single or double room with host family with half board, possibly only breakfast

  • Double room in guesthouse, half board

  • Single or double room on boarding, no meals included

  • Student apartment with either single or double room and private or shared bathroom < /p>

2 weeks general English + accommodation, separate room with host family with half board

GBP 2151

6 weeks intensive course + accommodation, separate room with host family with half board


4 weeks TOEFL exam course + accommodation, separate room in student accommodation with private bathroom

GBP 3625

2 weeks business English + accommodation, separate room with host family with focus


2 weeks one to one teaching + accommodation, separate room with host family with half board

GBP 2752

Ask for a no-obligation quote






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Ekstremt tålmodige og flinke personalle til å lære bort på skoen Collegio Maravillas i Benalmadena, det beste ferie så langt!!!
Anna, 16 år fra Oslo
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