The city has a rich cultural life, magnificent architecture, beaches and pleasant climate throughout the year. The city has few foreign tourists compared to other cities and is genuinely Italian.

The language school is approved by the Italian Ministry of Education and is considered one of the best in southern Italy. Here, among others, are the official exams CELI and CILS which can provide a basis for support from the Loan Fund, and which are useful if you want to work or study in Italy.
The school is located in one of the most beautiful and visited streets in Salerno; Via Rome, right in the heart of the city’s old and historic quarter, and overlooking the sea. A variety of leisure activities are offered, such as theatre, concert visits, joint dinners, film screenings with seminars on Italian film, etc. Once a week organisers excursions to well-known places such as Amalfi, Ravello, Sorrento, Pompeii etc.

Training Course

  • Normal course 2-12 weeks with 20 lessons per week

  • Intensive course with 30 lessons per week, otherwise the same course as the normal course

  • Super intensive course with 20 group lessons and 5 individual lessons per week

  • Individual lessons, minimum 2 lessons per day, minimum one week

  • The exam courses CELI and CILS that can be supported by the Loan Fund

  • Various courses with cultural focus, such as Italian art, Italian film and Italian cooking, Italian for business, and Italian with a special focus on tourism.

    Contact us for more information on these courses.

Average course price with accommodation

GBP4692 weeks
  • Intensive Course
  • 22 lessons per week
  • Maximum 6 participants per group

Combination course + accommodation with host family with private bathroom

GBP14304 weeks
  • Standard course combined with individual teaching
  • 22 lessons per week
  • Maximum 6 participants per group

* The examples are based on an average 2 week course. Does not include flights or other travel costs.


In shared student apartment or host family with single or double room. With family you can choose between breakfast and half board.

Ask for a no-obligation quote






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Jeg reiste til St.Petersburg – dette var en opplevelse for livet! Dessverre ble jeg syk etter ankomst og mistet noen uker undervisning, men skolen ga meg veldig mye tilbake etter det. Litt vel intenst med 4 timer sammenhengende undervisning og kun 15 min. pause. Men det funker.
Ingvald, 36 år
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