Europe’s largest aquarium, a very impressive opera building, a cosy old town with trendy bars, intimate cafes and cosy eateries. Welcome to Valencia.

Paella, the Spanish national court, is just here. A visit to the Mercado Central market or a walk among the spectacular buildings of the Art and Science Park is included, just be excited by Valencia. The cathedral of La Seu, with its 8-cornered bell tower is a proud landmark, here apparently the true version of the Holy Grail. La Lonja is another attraction. The ancient silk exchange, originally built in the 16th century, is considered one of Europe’s finest Gothic buildings. Valencia also offers beach life just 5 minutes by bus out of the city centre.

The school is located on the university grounds, just outside the city centre.

Training Course

  • Normal course 1-12 weeks. Offered as a semi-intensive course, an intensive course, an intensive course plus, or a super-intensive course consisting of 10, 20, 20 + 5 or 30 teaching hours per week respectively.

  • Semester course 12-50 weeks. Same arrangement and options as normal course.

    Course start every Monday.

  • In addition, a wide range of other courses are offered: Spanish + golf, Spanish + tennis, Spanish + flamenco, etc. Contact us for further information.


Shared apartment with other language students or Spanish students, or choose Spanish host family with half or full board. Choose from single or double rooms for all accommodation options. It also offers student homes with and without meals, individual apartments and hotels.

2 weeks intensive course + accommodation, separate room with host family with half board

GBP 571

6 weeks intensive course + accommodation, separate room with host family with half board



4 weeks SIELE exam course + accommodation in student housing with half board

GBP 1586

4 weeks SHARE exam course + accommodation in student housing with half board



4 weeks Chamber of Commerce exam + accommodation, separate room in shared apartment

GBP 1174



Ask for a no-obligation quote






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Jeg reiste til St.Petersburg – dette var en opplevelse for livet! Dessverre ble jeg syk etter ankomst og mistet noen uker undervisning, men skolen ga meg veldig mye tilbake etter det. Litt vel intenst med 4 timer sammenhengende undervisning og kun 15 min. pause. Men det funker.
Ingvald, 36 år
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